CONTACT US Our office is open 10.00 -4.30pm on Monday - Friday *Currenly not manned full time as we are out on the yard training horses or teaching so please email instead as we can pick these up whilst out on the yard etc* Do not leave a voice message, thank you Email or The office is closed on weekends and bank holidays as we are either teaching or away at shows or competitions so please do not expect a reply by either phone or email over the weekend, sorry We do aim to respond on a Monday when we are back in the office
We do have a very informative Q and A page which answers all common queries including How do I pay? Can I bring spectators? Can I take photos? Can I borrow a riding hat? Where can I stay? Group sizes, Min ages? etc.

The office is open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm, closed bank holidays.
Email: or
Email :
Address: Gaddesden Place Stables, Bridens Camp, Hemel Hempstead HP2 6EY
We are based in Hertfordshire on a stunning historic country estate, 3 miles north from Hemel Hempstead. We are very easy to get to with the M1 being only a few miles away at junction 8 or 9. We have very good road and train links and we are close to all major London airports. Luton airport is only about 12 miles away.